493 Results for:

September 11, 2006

Latell: A Post-Fidel Cuba Likely to Experiment with Economic Reforms

Brian Latell, who for many years was the CIA’s top Cuban and Latin American analyst, says if Fidel Castro is unable to recover from his ailments his successors are likely to be more willing to experi…

December 14, 2011

Who Is Targeting Afghanistan’s Shia?

Attacks on Shia Muslims in Afghanistan claimed by a Pakistani militant group are a disturbing omen -- for sectarian ties and the prospects for a peace deal with insurgents, says counterterrorism expe…

May 6, 2010

United States
Jihadists and Times Square

Ties to Pakistan in the Times Square bomb case suggest a direct al-Qaeda influence on the goals of some of Pakistan’s Taliban militants, says counterterrorism expert Brian Fishman.

December 12, 2008

Defense and Security
Expanding U.S. Military Partnerships in the Pacific

The commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific, Admiral Timothy J. Keating, emphasizes expanding U.S. cooperation with countries in the region but says a military partnership with China appears a long w…

March 22, 2017

The Arctic Is Integral to U.S. National Security

The Arctic should be a major consideration in discussions of U.S. national security, says Thad Allen, co-chair of CFR’s Independent Task Force on the Arctic.