30 Results for:

October 30, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Honduran Politics and the Chavez Factor

Christopher Sabatini, a Latin America expert, says the apparent resolution of the Honduran political crisis--triggered in part by concerns over Hugo Chavez’s influence--marks a triumph for Obama admi…

August 25, 2003

Trainor Says the U.S. Military Gets an ’A’ for Winning the Iraq War but a ’D’ for Postwar Operations

Retired three-star Marine Corps General Bernard E. Trainor says that U.S. forces merit stellar marks for their military victory but only a “D” for postwar operations. He blames much of the…

July 16, 2013

Will Snowden Come Between the U.S. and Latin America?

Recent revelations about U.S. surveillance activities in Latin America have provoked a range of negative responses from regional leaders, but the practical consequences will be marginal, says expert …

March 22, 2017

The Arctic Is Integral to U.S. National Security

The Arctic should be a major consideration in discussions of U.S. national security, says Thad Allen, co-chair of CFR’s Independent Task Force on the Arctic. 

January 25, 2013

Talking to Cuba

The argument for sustained U.S. diplomatic engagement with Havana has never been more compelling, says CFR’s Julia Sweig.