582 Results for:

May 3, 2012

Elections and Voting
The Next Putin Presidency

Vladimir Putin’s third term as Russia’s president could be characterized by greater political competition and middle-class opposition domestically, along with mixed relations with the United States, …

March 1, 2004

Russian Expert Warns of ‘Disturbing Trend’ in Kremlin

James M. Goldgeier, who served in the National Security Council and State Department during the Clinton administration, says that President Vladimir Putin is riding high in Russia, thanks to stabilit…

June 4, 2012

What Syria’s Power Struggle Means

The conflict in Syria is less about democratic reforms and more about redistributing power along sectarian and ethnic lines--with troubling regional implications, says expert Vali Nasr.

June 14, 2011

The Degrading of Syria’s Regime

Syria’s Assad dynasty appears to be on a long path to collapse, posing new challenges to the Obama administration’s efforts to break the axis of Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah, says expert Andrew Tabler.

December 19, 2014

UN Shouldn’t Force Israel’s Hand

A UN Security Council vote pushing Israel to leave the Palestinian territories by 2017 would likely undermine the peace process, says expert David Makovsky.