326 Results for:

March 23, 2018

Russia’s Poisonous Message to the World

The circumstances surrounding the attack on a former Russian spy in England leave little doubt that Russia was the culprit and cast a lengthening shadow over the global regime to stop chemical weapon…

Henry Nicholls/Reuters

November 5, 2008

Elections and Voting
Obama’s First Priority Should Be Economy

CFR President Richard N. Haass, who worked on previous presidential transitions, says that given the current world situation, he believes the first priority for President-elect Barack Obama lies in "…

December 1, 2016

Europe Braces For Italy’s Referendum

Italy’s vote on constitutional reforms, which may determine whether the country can escape its economic doldrums and rescue its ailing banking system, could have consequences for all of Europe, says …

October 6, 2009

International Organizations
The IMF’s Growing Powers

Analyst Edwin Truman says the IMF is gaining power but its influence will depend on its assertiveness with countries like the United States and China, as well as the pace of its own reforms.

October 2, 2014

Is It Too Late For Libya?

Post-Qaddafi Libya is riven along regional, economic, and religious lines, and may descend into civil war despite a recent flurry of international diplomacy, says journalist Mary Fitzgerald.