40 Results for:

August 26, 2009

The Detrimental Potential of a CIA Review

The Justice Department’s decision to review past CIA interrogation tactics may be legally justified, but Burton Gerber, a former CIA station chief, says the move could have a chilling and detrimental…

October 13, 2011

Mounting Questions on Iran Terror Plot

It seems unlikely that the plot to kill a Saudi ambassador involved the highest levels of Iran’s government, says expert Kenneth Katzman, including the plan to use non-Muslim proxies to carry it out.

September 23, 2015

What’s Next for Greece?

Alexis Tsipras’ return as Greek prime minister will do little to alter the country’s dire economic conditions, which require debt relief, says expert Eleni Panagiotarea.

May 28, 2013

United States
Obama’s Mixed Counterterror Message

President Obama’s counterterrorism speech made strides toward greater transparency but missed opportunities to articulate a vision for moving beyond a perpetual war footing, says CFR’s John Bellinger…

March 7, 2003

Peters Says Some 100,000 Troops May Be Needed for Occupation Duty in Iraq

Michael P. Peters, executive vice president of the Council on Foreign Relations, says that, if the United States invades Iraq without the backing of major allies or the Security Council, “it co…