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June 7, 2011

HIV’s Tenuous Funding Road

With the UN meeting on AIDS funding this week, CFR’s Laurie Garrett says the slow response to the AIDS epidemic was the single biggest failure in public health and argues the need to double funding f…

February 2, 2009

Economic Crises
A Warning That Stimulus Plan Could Undermine U.S. Foreign Policy

Award-winning historian Walter Russell Mead says, "The key political question of the twenty-first century is, ’How does the U.S.-China relationship develop?’"

November 30, 2007

Garrett: HIV/AIDS Still Poorly Measured

On the annual occasion of World AIDS day, CFR health expert Laurie Garrett points to problems in tracking and addressing the disease.

May 21, 2014

The Coming Struggle Over Iran Nuclear Pact

Nuclear diplomacy between Iran and a group of major powers may miss a significant deadline in July, but both sides appear intent to continue, says expert George Perkovich.

June 20, 2012

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
’Huge Gap’ Frustrates Iran Talks

This week’s nuclear talks ended without resolving the issue of uranium enrichment, leaving Iran to potentially face tougher sanctions, says CFR’s Ray Takeyh.