10 Results for:

September 2, 2015

Will U.S.-Iran Diplomacy Go Beyond Nuclear Deal?

Sustained diplomacy led to the Iran nuclear deal, but it’s too soon to expect broader discussions between Tehran and Washington, says expert James Dobbins.

November 10, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Broader U.S. Policy Needed on Iran

CFR’s Iran expert Ray Takeyh says Washington’s Iran policy needs to frame the nuclear development question within the context of a broader range of diplomatic issues, and that Iran’s domestic turmoil…

October 2, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
The Road Ahead for U.S.-Iran Relations

Following the high-level U.S.-Iran talks, Iran expert John Limbert says it is possible that the way is being cleared for an eventual long-term dialogue between the two nations but nonetheless urges c…

September 11, 2006

Latell: A Post-Fidel Cuba Likely to Experiment with Economic Reforms

Brian Latell, who for many years was the CIA’s top Cuban and Latin American analyst, says if Fidel Castro is unable to recover from his ailments his successors are likely to be more willing to experi…

September 4, 2003

Jones: Personal and Financial Ties Between al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah

Sidney Jones, a leading expert on Indonesia and its terror movements, says there are “solid links” between Osama bin Laden’s network and Jemaah Islamiyah (J.I.). But, she adds, “I am also very strong…