244 Results for:

November 20, 2006

Lantos Says No ‘Silver Bullet’ on Iraq But Baker Panel Can Help Bipartisanship

The presumptive chair of the House International Relations Committee expects no "silver bullets" to emerge from the Baker commission’s report on Iraq. But Rep. Tom Lantos hopes the forthcoming report…

November 8, 2006

Congresses and Parliaments
Lindsay: Bush, Democrats Likely to Look for New Approach to Iraq from Baker-Hamilton Commission

James M. Lindsay, an expert on Congress and American foreign policy, says in the aftermath of the Democratic Party victories in the midterm elections, many politicians are hoping that the “knight in …

December 12, 2006

Steinberg: Israel Sees Diplomatic Proposals in Baker-Hamilton Report a Rerun of ‘Failed’ Policies of Past

primeGerald Steinberg, a consultant to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Security Council, who specializes in Middle East diplomatic and security issues, says that sections in the Baker-Ham…

February 2, 2011

Political Movements
Egypt a ’Textbook’ Foreign Policy Dilemma

Former secretary of state James A. Baker says the crucial U.S. alliance with a politically stunted Egyptian regime poses major difficulties for the Obama administration as it tries to balance U.S. va…

May 10, 2017

Will FBI Sacking Affect National Security?

The dismissal of FBI Director James Comey raises concerns about the government’s ability to investigate Russian meddling in U.S. elections, and the broader national security role of the agency, says …