24 Results for:

September 29, 2017

Can Catalonia Split With Spain?

Spain’s effort to block Catalonia’s referendum on independence may push more Catalan voters to support it.

Students demonstrate with Catalan separatist flags in Barcelona.

February 12, 2013

Vatican City
Papacy in Transition

The surprise resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has given rise to speculations that the next pontiff to lead the Catholic Church will hail from the developing world, says expert James P. McCartin.

December 19, 2014

After the Thaw: What’s Next in U.S.-Cuba Relations?

The opening of U.S. diplomatic ties with Cuba will bring real change to the island and raise Washington’s stature in the region, says CFR’s Julia Sweig.

January 10, 2003

Venezuela So Polarized That Crisis Could Dramatically Worsen, Says Council’s Latin America Studies Deputy Director Julia Sweig

Julia Sweig, the Council on Foreign Relations’ deputy director of Latin America Studies, says that strikes and demonstrations against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez could continue for months …

May 23, 2006

Mead: Timing of Troop Withdrawal from Iraq Looms Large in Blair, Bush Meeting

Walter Russell Mead, CFR’s senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy, says that when British Prime Minister Tony Blair meets with President Bush on Thursday, the timing of allied troop withdrawals will p…