238 Results for:

June 23, 2015

Washington’s Egypt Dilemma

Two years since the Egyptian military deposed President Mohammed Morsi, human rights abuses are being committed at an unprecedented level, but the United States remains deeply invested in maintaining…

August 28, 2014

Will Shia Divisions Hamstring Iraq?

Haider al-Abadi has unified the country’s Shias, but may struggle to keep their support as he forms a new government and attempts to redress Sunni grievances, says expert Mohamad Bazzi.

June 7, 2011

Yemen’s Uncertain Political Future

As Yemen lurches into increased instability with no clear successor to President Saleh. Yemen expert Bernard Haykel says the best intermediate political solution would be a national unity council unt…

August 20, 2012

Morsi and the Egyptian Military Shuffle

President Morsi’s reshuffling of top military ranks rebalances political power toward the civilian regime but may unsettle minorities who had hoped the military would check the power of the Muslim Br…

February 25, 2010

Elections and Voting
Pre-Elections, Iraqis Crave Stability

The coalition led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is likely to lead in the March 7 parliamentary elections, as Iraqis look for stability and security after years of conflict, says Nir Rosen, an ana…