60 Results for:

December 17, 2014

How Disruptive Is Russia’s Ruble Dive?

Russia’s options for combatting the plunge of the ruble are dwindling, but government intervention is likely to intensify in efforts to avert a full-blown crisis, says CFR’s Robert Kahn.

June 17, 2009

'Crisis of Legitimacy’ in Iran

Arang Keshavarzian, an expert on Iranian politics at New York University, says the decision by the Iranian leadership to peremptorily announce President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s election victory has ali…

April 7, 2017

Will Syria Yield to the Chemical Weapons Ban?

Syria’s breach of its treaty obligations has led to broad international support for U.S. military action, says CFR’s Lori Esposito Murray.

February 15, 2013

The Hezbollah Connection in Syria and Iran

In recent years, the strategic alliance between Iran and Hezbollah has grown to the point where the Lebanese militant group’s fealty to Tehran is paramount, a dynamic currently on display in Syria, s…

December 28, 2009

Understanding Iran’s Protest Movement

Veteran journalist Robin Wright, who covered the 1979 Iranian Revolution, says Iran’s disparate but resilient protest coalition is motivated by a desire to reform the country’s governing system.