18 Results for:

April 26, 2007

United States
Gingrich: Bipartisanship, and Possibly His Candidacy, Needed to Right U.S. Foreign Policy

Former House Speaker and prospective presidential candidate Newt Gingrich urges a more bipartisan approach to solving problems from Iraq to homeland security and hints he may enter the race late this…

April 4, 2003

Council President Gelb Says Battlefield Victory [in Iraq] Will Be Soon, but the War Will Go on for Months to Come

Leslie H. Gelb, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, answered readers’ questions on the future of U.S. foreign policy. The New York Times online chat was hosted by Bernard Gwertzman,…

December 7, 2007

United States
McCain: Americans Divided, Dissatisfied over U.S. Foreign Policy

A leading Republican candidate for president, Sen. John McCain, tells CFR.org the country needs to unite over issues ranging from Iraq to immigration.

February 13, 2014

Why Franco-American Ties Matter

President Hollande’s state visit was an attempted boost for the United States’ lead EU security partner and a sign of a more activist foreign policy in the White House, says CFR’s Charles Kupchan.

September 16, 2008

Krepon: U.S.-India Nuclear Agreement Weakens Nonproliferation Efforts

Michael Krepon, a well-known expert on South Asia and nuclear nonproliferation, says that the U.S.-India nuclear agreement is likely to weaken efforts at strengthening nonproliferation of nuclear wea…