412 Results for:

March 20, 2006

Elections and Voting
Shushkevich: Belarusian Election A Farce

One of the Belarusian opposition’s few elder statesmen, Stanislav Shushkevich, says the March 19 presidential polls were “absolutely falsified.” In an interview with cfr.org from Minsk, he discusses …

December 1, 2016

Europe Braces For Italy’s Referendum

Italy’s vote on constitutional reforms, which may determine whether the country can escape its economic doldrums and rescue its ailing banking system, could have consequences for all of Europe, says …

March 15, 2006

Glacel: Belarusian Opposition Gaining Speed but No Revolution in Sight

Amid signs of slipping popularity, Belarus’ authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenka is expected to win a new presidential term on March 19. An official with a prominent Western polling group tells …

November 12, 2012

Breaking the U.S.-Mideast Impasse

President Obama should make a trip to the region soon to signal a renewed commitment to helping resolve the conflict between Palestine and Israel, says CFR’s Robert Danin.

February 3, 2017

Why Syria’s War Grinds On

As diplomatic efforts to broker a settlement to the civil war have so far come up short and the Islamic State retains a foothold in the east, a segmented Syria will likely experience reduced but pers…