378 Results for:

November 12, 2012

Breaking the U.S.-Mideast Impasse

President Obama should make a trip to the region soon to signal a renewed commitment to helping resolve the conflict between Palestine and Israel, says CFR’s Robert Danin.

February 3, 2017

Why Syria’s War Grinds On

As diplomatic efforts to broker a settlement to the civil war have so far come up short and the Islamic State retains a foothold in the east, a segmented Syria will likely experience reduced but pers…

September 1, 2015

Gauging the Fallout From the Chinese Market Shock

Beyond China’s market upheaval is a country struggling with how to relax state control over the economy amid a slowdown that has global implications, writes CFR’s Robert Kahn.

November 10, 2004

Siegman: After Arafat, Key Question Is Whether U.S. and Israel Will Resume Peace Talks with Palestinians

Henry Siegman, the Council on Foreign Relations’ top expert on Israeli/Palestinian affairs, says there is little question but that Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, will replace Yasir Arafat as…

June 3, 2016

Too Soon to Rekindle Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process?

Domestic pressures facing Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas mean France’s bid to reboot Israeli-Palestinian negotiations will likely be a nonstarter, says CFR’s Robert Danin.