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August 16, 2017

Radicalization and Extremism
What Is the Far Right’s Threat to National Security?

Armed protests in Charlottesville highlight how the U.S. government has long devoted insufficient resources toward countering domestic far-right movements.

A militia member rallies in Charlottesville.

November 15, 2010

Congresses and Parliaments
How Congress Erodes National Security

Congress has been steadily failing in its responsibilities on national security issues, says CFR’s Kay King, and its new leadership should reform over-politicized rules and procedures as a first step.

October 31, 2005

Indyk: Latest Security Council Resolution Threatens Assad’s Hold on Power

Martin S. Indyk, who served as assistant secretary of state for near eastern affairs in the Clinton administration, says the unanimous Security Council resolution ordering Syria to cooperate with the…

December 18, 2002

U.S. Still Looking for ’Smoking Gun’ to Justify Overthrow of Saddam Hussein, Says Council’s National Security Studies Director Lawrence Korb

Lawrence J. Korb, the Council’s Director of National Security Studies, asserts that the odds are about 60-40 that the U.S. will go to war against Iraq by late spring. He said that military act…

January 31, 2006

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Takeyh: Security Council Unlikely to Take Strong Action Against Iran

Ray Takeyh, the CFR’s top Iranian expert, says the latest spurt of diplomacy will lead to a discussion in the UN Security Council and more diplomacy, but he doubts that the Security Council will take…