839 Results for:

December 23, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
The Kerry Negotiations

Secretary of State Kerry continues his "peace process" efforts at hammering out a comprehensive deal, or at least a framework deal, between Israelis and Palestinians. Two recent articles are reminde…

July 18, 2014

The Kerry-Qatar Axis

Sympathy and support for Hamas are much lower in the Arab world than in past Israeli-Hamas conflicts--except in Qatar, whose government has a special relationship with Hamas. Indeed Hamas’s political…

February 25, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Kerry and the "Peace Process"

There must be something in the water over at the State Department that leads successive secretaries of state to decide, seemingly on their first day there, that now is the time for a big new push at …

February 9, 2016

Middle East and North Africa
Kerry’s Fantasy Egypt

The Under Secretary of State for "Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights,"  Sarah Sewall, is today in Egypt. She might as well have stayed home. Because today, Secretary of State Kerry did a…

August 6, 2015

John Kerry, George Shultz, and the Kerry Visit to Cuba

Secretary of State Kerry will visit Cuba soon--on August 14. Since the opening of diplomatic relations and of the Cuban embassy in Washington, what’s been going on in Cuba? More repression. There w…