126 Results for:

May 8, 2015

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Weekend Reading: A Return to Idlib, Secular Politics in Egypt, and al-Qaeda in Syria

Ahmad al-Akla writes about people’s return to rebel-controlled Idlib, Syria. A new party in Egypt calls for a secular constitution. Juan Cole discusses how recent shifts in Syria are driven by Turk…


June 5, 2015

Weekend Reading: Debunking Iraq’s Myth, Demolishing History in Egypt, and Biking Syria’s Civil War

Sara Pursley, in a two-part report on Jadaliyya, debunks the myth of Iraq as an artificial state. Mahmoud Riad protests the demolition of the National Democratic Party’s headquarters in Cairo. Ahma…


May 26, 2022

Reaction to “Blasphemy” Killing Illustrates Complicated Role of Religion in Nigeria’s Democratic Transition

Horrendous killing of college sophomore highlights the country’s ethnoreligious fault line, but interdenominational rivalry in the south is of no less moment. All in all, reactions to the murder of Ms. Deborah Yakubu, a 200-level home economics student of the Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto, have exposed Nigeria’s deepest political fractures and lingering questions over citizenship, national identity, and secularity. On May 12, following disagreement over a WhatsApp voice note deemed to have been blasphemous against Islam and Prophet Muhammad, a mob comprising some of the twenty-two-year-old’s schoolmates brutally clubbed and stoned her to death, after which they proceeded to incinerate her body.

Pastor lectures with a microphone and gestures with his arm wearing a formal attire.

May 25, 2016

No Surprise in Another Hard-Liner Victory in Iran

When the nuclear agreement with Iran was signed last year, one of the arguments for it was that it would help "moderates" in Tehran. And when Iran held parliamentary elections and elections for the c…

September 6, 2013

Voices From the Region: Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Bahrain

“Obama will strike for the people...The regime also are fighting for the people, and the opposition is fighting for the people. And the people are damned.” –Abdelkader, a municipal employee from Raqq…

A Free Syrian Army fighter watches U.S. President Barack Obama's speech with his family in Ghouta, Damascus August 31, 2013 (Abdullah/Courtesy Reuters).