1,012 Results for:

September 18, 2008

Morgan Stanley/ CIC

Reuters is reporting that Morgan Stanley has approached the China Investment Corporation (CIC) for additional capital; it isn’t just talking to Wachovia. It order to get the equity it needs, the …

September 20, 2008

Wachovia/ Morgan Stanley/ CIC?

The reporting from Asia on Friday suggested limits to the CIC’s interest in Morgan Stanley. Restrictions on the ability of foreign banks to participate in the “TARP” (the current acronym for the b…

July 2, 2012

United States
Daniel Klaidman’s Revelations

This weekend, the CIA continued its campaign against suspected militants in Pakistan with a drone strike that reportedly killed at least eight. I’ve compiled excerpts from Daniel Klaidman’s recently …

Obama call

September 23, 2004

United States
The currency strategist at Morgan Stanley might want to talk to the chief economist at Morgan Stanley

Steve Johnson’s market insight column in Thursday’s Financial Times keys off Morgan Stanley’s currency strategist Stephen Jen’s argument that "As long as Asia insists on staying inside this dollar ar…

November 26, 2013

United States
Ten Whats With...Daniel Markey

Daniel Markey is Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), where he specializes in security and governance issues in South Asia. He has published a …

No Exit from Pakistan:America's Tortured Relationship with Islamabad by Daniel Markey