314 Results for:

November 28, 2017

Two Wives, One Robert Mugabe

The Zimbabwe coupmakers are placing all the blame on Robert Mugabe's wife. Grace, however, was known for her shopping, not her politics, and her husband likely used her to try to hold on to power.


November 14, 2017

A Coup Could be in the Works Against Zimbabwe's Mugabe

A military coup may be underway in Zimbabwe against the regime of nonagenarian President Robert Mugabe and his would-be successor wife, Grace.


September 11, 2023

Human Trafficking
Melissa I.M. Torres: Border Communities, Migrants, and Asylum Seekers are Suffering

It is time for a new approach to human trafficking. We need to change how we talk about human trafficking and tackle challenges faced by vulnerable communities. 

A woman from Colombia helps her children crawl past concertina wire, deployed to deter migrants, after they crossed the Rio Grande river into Eagle Pass, Texas, U.S. July 27, 2023.

November 15, 2017

Military Coup in Zimbabwe Remains Bloodless

The military seems to be firmly in control of Zimbabwe’s capital, Harrare, after what appears to have been a military coup. President Robert Mugabe and his wife, Grace, remain safe at home.


November 16, 2017

How the Situation in Zimbabwe Could Proceed

In the aftermath of the November 15 military intervention, there are credible rumors that negotiations are underway at State House in Harare for a deal that confirms the transfer of power from Robert…


August 24, 2017

Zimbabwe Grotesques

In what is hopefully the twilight of the Mugabe regime, one weird episode follows another. On August 14, President Robert Mugabe publicly bragged that the murderers of twelve white farmers in Zimbabw…
