438 Results for:

April 12, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Sandmonkey, Egypt, and the IMF

When I began this blog a little more than two years ago, one of the early posts was entitled "Free Sandmonkey." Sandmonkey is the "nom de blog" of Mahmoud Salem, then Egypt’s most famous blogger, and…

December 30, 2011

United States
Mubarakism Without Mubarak

Yesterday’s Cairo raids on human rights organizations were not an attempt by the Egyptian military to crush Egyptian extremists or to weaken the Muslim Brotherhood or the Salafist party after their r…

November 29, 2014

Weekend Reading: Mubarak Acquitted, (Another) Tunisian Uprising, and Iraq’s Flags

Hossam Bahgat sheds some light on the verdict acquitting former President Hosni Mubarak of charges against him. Sam Kimball and Nicholas Linn contend that despite Tunisia’s recent elections, the cou…


February 24, 2017

Politics and Government
The Deep State Comes to America

In Egypt and Turkey, grand government conspiracies are a reality. In the United States, they're little more than fantasy.
