779 Results for:

October 21, 2008

The end of Bretton Woods 2?

In late 2004, Nouriel Roubini and I wrote that “the tensions created [by the Bretton Woods 2 system] are large, large enough to crack the system in the next three to four years.” In a 2005 Wall Stre…

August 10, 2011

Ten Whats With…Kevin Benson

Kevin Benson (Courtesy Univ. of Kansas, Creative Commons License). Quick Bio (2-3 sentences): I was raised in Wisconsin and left after high school to go to West Point, 1973-1977.  I served on active…


January 2, 2005

United States
Bretton Woods Two Lives

The Fed has started to tighten, Greenspan said anyone who has not hedged their interest rate risk desires to lose money. Yet higher short-term rates have not led to higher long-term rates. In the j…

October 3, 2006

Monetary Policy
Bretton Woods 2 lives

The IMF released its data on global reserve growth on Friday.   And – to no one’s real surprise – the IMF data indicated that there is one key reason why capital flows uphill in today’s global econom…

May 27, 2005

United States
Bretton Woods Two and Trade Politics

The interest rate on the 10 year Treasury note is somewhere between 4.0-4.1% -- and the US seems to be having no trouble financing its current account (or its budget) deficit right now. The risk of…