1,014 Results for:

April 14, 2009

Financial Markets
The large dollar balance sheet of Europe’s banks

Tyler Durden/ Zero Hedge’s analysis of the aggregate balance sheet of the US commercial banks attracted a lot of attention last week, for good reason (h/t Felix Salmon). American taxpayers are…

July 10, 2009

Weekly Federal Reserve balance sheet update

This post is by Mark Dow This just hit my inbox, from the research team at Barclays. Since we’ve talked a fair amount of late about the Fed balance sheet, I thought I’d pass it on. "Weekly Federal …

April 12, 2024

China’s New Currency Peg

The peg that shall not be named, and all the trouble that creates.

China’s New Currency Peg

September 30, 2008

Financial Markets
Do not doubt that this is a real crisis: more on Fed’s balance sheet

My colleague at the Council on Foreign Relations, Paul Swartz, has graphed the shift in the composition of the Fed’s balance sheet. The Fed has extended a lot of credit to the financial system -- …


June 28, 2009

Monetary Policy
The evolution of the United States’ external balance sheet in the last decade (wonky)

On Friday I tried to show why the US net international investment position deteriorated in 2008 – and also why it didn’t deteriorate in the previous years. Even after the market and currency gains…


March 10, 2008

Monetary Policy
What are Zhou and al-Sayyari doing? Reserve management and the Fed’s balance sheet operations

Paul Krugman noted that his discussion of the Fed’s recent policy steps was rather wonkish. If that is true, my comments will be off-the-wonkish charts. I want to try to bring the actions of foreign …