86 Results for:

March 27, 2017

United States
Bill Maher Makes Us Dumber: How Ignorance, Fear and Stupid Pop-Culture Clichés Shape Americans’ View of the Middle East

Americans used to be just ignorant about Muslims and the Middle East. Now we're also fearful, stupid and wrong.


September 28, 2011

Fossil Fuels
Do America’s Future Jobs Lie in Traditional Energy?

Joel Kotkin has a provocative essay in Forbes that claims to show how booming extractive industries, led by oil and gas, have been cranking out massive numbers of high paying jobs over the past five …

April 11, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Will Fayyad Resign?

Reuters reports that "Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad offered his resignation to President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday following a rift between the two men over government policy...." Fayyad …

May 24, 2021

Palestinian Politics After the Gaza Conflict

Can politics replace violence and terror? 

April 5, 2013

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Lebanon, Iran, Syria, and Israel-Palestine

Significant Developments Lebanon. Tamam Salam, a Lebanese member of Parliament and former minister of culture, has emerged as the consensus candidate to become Lebanon’s next prime minister. Lebanes…

Lebanese former minister Tammam Salam attends a meeting for pro-WMarch 14 political coalition in Beirut April 4, 2013 (Azakir/Courtesy Reuters).