47 Results for:

February 19, 2015

A Bridge Too Far: Made in Detroit, Paid for by Canada

There are two possible reactions to the news that Canada and the United States have finally ironed out the last wrinkle and can now move ahead with the much needed new International Trade Crossing of…

Commercial trucks line up on the Ambassador bridge crossing over to Detroit, Michigan from Windsor, Ontario (Rebecca Cook/Courtesy Reuters).

September 9, 2015

What to Expect From the Next Government in Singapore

Singapore’s long-ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) has called a snap election for September 11, well in advance of the five year term it is allotted. As I noted in a piece this week for World Politi…


December 10, 2012

Policy Initiative Spotlight: Oklahoma City MAPS Out Revitalization

For communities looking to attract the coveted highly-skilled, highly-paid workforce, there is often little substitute for a locale's livability. Job opportunities, no matter how plum, may fail to lu…


January 8, 2013

United States
What to Expect from Brennan’s Confirmation Hearing

Several pundits have called for the confirmation hearing on John Brennan’s nomination to become the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to be used as the opportunity to debate the vast …


January 29, 2014

United States
Guest Post: Fixing America’s Infrastructure—More Than Just a Solo Act

Today we are please to have the following guest post written by Heidi Crebo-Rediker, a CFR Senior Fellow. Prior to joining CFR, Heidi served as the State Department’s first chief economist.  Infrast…