30 Results for:

July 1, 1997

Russia, Its Neighbors, and an Enlarging NATO

NATO’s decision to enlarge comes at a time of historic opportunity. With this growth, NATO will issue invitations to additional European states, thereby extending and reinforcing the zone of stabilit…

November 12, 2015

Working With a Rising India

“A rising India offers one of the most substantial opportunities to advance American national interests over the next two decades,” asserts a new Independent Task Force report sponsored by the Counci…

October 1, 2014

North America

A new CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force report, North America: Time for a New Focus, asserts that elevating and prioritizing the U.S.-Canada-Mexico relationship offers the best opportunity for str…

March 12, 2012

Defense and Security
U.S. Education Reform and National Security

The United States' failure to educate its students leaves them unprepared to compete and threatens the country's ability to thrive in a global economy and maintain its leadership role, finds a new Co…

January 1, 1997

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
A New U.S. Policy Toward India and Pakistan

Executive Summary Fifty years after gaining independence, India and Pakistan remain at odds. Given both countries’ de facto nuclear capabilities, their continued rivalry flirts with disaster. Yet …