74 Results for:

April 6, 2020

Can the World Alleviate Idlib’s Humanitarian Disaster Amid a Pandemic?

At the outset of 2020, the conflict in Idlib province was emerging as the worst humanitarian crisis of Syria’s nine-year war. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has made relief efforts even more difficult…

May 28, 2020

Treaties and Agreements
Open Skies: Another Dying Arms Control Agreement?

A pending U.S. withdrawal from the Treaty on Open Skies has alarmed some allies in Europe, who fear losing a valuable means of monitoring Russia.

November 21, 2023

Climate Change
COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai: What to Expect

Scientists say governments need to act with more urgency to keep global warming in check. How much progress is possible at COP28?

May 19, 2020

Economic Crises
How Will Aviation Giants Emerge From the Pandemic?

The coronavirus has cut into few industries more deeply than aviation and aerospace, putting some strategically important companies in dire financial straits.

September 19, 2023

United States
Biden at the UN: Inclusive Internationalism

Amid renewed calls for changes in the world order, U.S. President Joe Biden sought to stress his support for greater inclusion of developing nations in addressing economic, social, and climate concer…

October 12, 2018

Climate Change
UN Climate Report Highlights Extreme Risk to Many Regions

A recent study by noted climate scientists is particularly bad news for the planet’s most vulnerable regions, including the Arctic and small Pacific islands. 

Climate Change Flooding India