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September 13, 2018

Sub-Saharan Africa
The Risks of Reducing U.S. Special Operations in Africa

The Pentagon plans to withdraw its special operations forces in Africa, but major cutbacks could threaten recent efforts to counter terrorism threats across the region.

Chadian soldiers take a break during Operation Flintlock, U.S.-led military exercises, in Diffa, Niger.

August 15, 2018

Can Libya’s Divisions Be Healed?

The Islamic State has been nearly defeated and migrant crossings to Europe have declined, so why is Libya’s state failure so troubling?


June 27, 2018

Is Political Change Coming to Mexico?

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will likely become Mexico’s next president at a time of mounting concern over corruption and violence, but his reform plans are hazy.

Alan Ortega/Reuters

April 5, 2018

Europe and Eurasia
Armenia’s Tricky EU-Russia Balancing Act

Armenia’s partnership agreement with the EU signals its shift toward Europe amid growing tensions between Russia and the West.

Armenian president participates in EU press conference

March 27, 2018

What’s Next for Russia’s Relations With the West?

The expulsion of Russian diplomats by more than twenty governments is a remarkable show of unity and a deepening of Moscow’s rift with the West.

Russian flag flies over Seattle consulate.