40 Results for:

May 18, 2021

Climate Change
Why Climate Finance Is Critical for Accelerating Global Action

To combat climate change, governments and institutions should increase their funding to poorer nations to pay for adaptation and mitigation measures.

April 9, 2020

Why Does the WHO Exclude Taiwan?

The world could learn from Taiwan’s success in responding to the coronavirus pandemic, yet it doesn’t have a seat at the World Health Organization.

December 14, 2020

United Kingdom
What Would a No-Deal Brexit Look Like?

The United Kingdom and the European Union have been unable to reach a deal to define their post-Brexit relationship after nearly a year of talks. A severe disruption to trade between them looks incre…

Simon Dawson/Reuters

December 30, 2020

Transition 2021
What’s Next for Foreign Aid Under Biden?

The Trump administration sought to reframe foreign aid around competition with China and Russia, but shrinking budgets and inconsistent policies undermined the effort. How will President-Elect Joe Bi…

September 10, 2020

How China Ramped Up Disinformation Efforts During the Pandemic

Beijing has increased its manipulation of information as well as disinformation efforts around COVID-19 to damage democracies and boost itself, but its strategies have had mixed results.