333 Results for:

July 31, 2020

United States
TWE Remembers: The Taft-Katsura Memorandum

The question of how the United States should respond to the rise of China has dominated the foreign policy debate in recent years. Democrats and Republicans alike agree that the days of cooperative e…

Taft Katsura

December 12, 2023

The Evolving U.S.-China Relationship: A Conversation with Ambassador Nicholas Burns

U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns discusses the evolving U.S.-China relationship and the strategic opportunities and challenges it presents for both countries and the world. The C.V. Starr &…

Play U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns speaks during a climate finance roundtable discussion at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

November 11, 2021

United States
Thanking America's Veterans

Today we recognize those who have served in the United States’ armed forces.


December 21, 2020

Five Foreign Policy Stories to Watch in 2021

As 2020 comes to a close, here are five foreign policy news stories to follow in the coming year.

Covid vaccine

July 3, 2020

United States
Fourth of July Trivia Quiz

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July—TWE’s favorite holiday. To mark the occasion, here is the annual TWE Fourth of July trivia quiz. There are thirteen questions in honor of the thirteen colonies that thr…


August 15, 2019

U.S. Foreign Policy
TWNW Presents: Back-to-School Reading Special

In this special episode of The World Next Week, James M. Lindsay and Robert McMahon are joined by CFR senior fellow Carla Anne Robbins to discuss their most recently beloved books, the books they’re …

Podcast Afghan boys reading inside a mobile library bus in Kabul, Afghanistan.