24 Results for:

July 17, 2013

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Ending Gaza’s Isolation

U.S. policy of isolating Gaza is counterproductive and inadvertently helps entrench the terrorist group Hamas' control. The Obama administration should instead encourage trade and contacts between the West Bank and Gazan people to reestablish national institutions and elections, thereby empowering Palestinian partners for peace.

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November 17, 2014

Islamic State
Defeating ISIS

Max Boot details a comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS by committing to the fight on multiple fronts: intensify air strikes, utilize U.S. personnel and capabilities, encourage local and regional partners, and prepare for nation-building.

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June 22, 2011

Conflict Prevention
Enhancing U.S. Crisis Preparedness

Introduction The Obama administration was caught flatfooted by the recent Arab Spring uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. Not only did the intelligence community fail to warn senior off…

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October 24, 2011

American Options in Syria

With each month, the level of violence in Syria rises. Bashar al-Assad's regime has killed just short of three thousand citizens, and with defections from the army growing, it appears the population …

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September 22, 2014

South Korea
Breaking the Stalemate in U.S.-ROK Nuclear Cooperation Negotiations

A dispute over whether South Korea (ROK) should have the right to enrich and reprocess U.S.-origin nuclear fuels has led to a deadlock in talks on a new bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement. Failu…

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