38 Results for:

October 31, 2002

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
America—Still Unprepared, Still in Danger

America remains dangerously unprepared to prevent and respond to a catastrophic terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Yet, only a year after 9/11, there are signs that Americans are already lapsing back int…

May 31, 2003

North Korea
Meeting the North Korean Nuclear Challenge

The North Korean nuclear program is headed in a dangerous direction. Yet the United States and its allies have not set forth a coherent or unified strategy to stop it. This Task Force report evaluate…

August 13, 2009

Immigration and Migration
U.S. Immigration Policy

"The continued failure to devise and implement a sound and sustainable immigration policy threatens to weaken America's economy, to jeopardize its diplomacy, and to imperil its national security," co…

July 12, 2011

Global Brazil and U.S.-Brazil Relations

July 12, 2011—Over the course of a generation, Brazil has emerged as both a driver of growth in South America and as an active force in world politics. A new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)-sponso…

September 16, 2016

North Korea
A Sharper Choice on North Korea

A new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Independent Task Force report, A Sharper Choice on North Korea: Engaging China for a Stable Northeast Asia, finds that the United States’ policy of “strategic…