801 Results for:

April 10, 2024

Haiti in Crisis

Panelists discuss the escalating economic and political situation in Haiti with a focus on the humanitarian crisis, how the destabilization of the region has impacted Haitian people both domestically…

Play A boy in Haiti sits next to the remains of a destroyed school after an earthquake.

September 18, 2019

Hong Kong
Podcast: Joshua Wong and Brian Leung on Hong Kong's Pro-democracy Movement

Ever since protests gained traction in late spring, Hong Kong has been a focal point for international attention. The protests, which drew approximately two million participants at one point, have co…

Podcast A man walks past a graffiti during a march to demand democracy and political reforms in Hong Kong, China, August 18, 2019.

May 31, 2012

China’s Real Soft Power: Chen Guangcheng

Politicians and pundits in Washington have it all wrong. Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng is not going to be a political football in U.S. election-year politics or a poster boy for one side of a dome…

Chen Guangcheng speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations headquarters in New York City on May 31, 2012 (Don Pollard / Council on Foreign Relations).

May 2, 2012

A Home Run for Chen Guangcheng, the United States, and China Too…Maybe

It is still too early to call the outcome of the Chen Guangcheng case a home run, but for now Chen has at least made it to first base. Last week the Chinese activist—a blind, self-taught lawyer known…

A supporter of Chen Guangcheng holds up a piece of paper reading, "Freedom, Guangcheng, Democracy, China", as he is being taken away by police officers at Chaoyang Hospital in Beijing, where blind activist Chen Guangcheng was reported to be staying on May 2, 2012.

February 4, 2013

Colonel Brian Killough: The Catch-22 of Modern Chinese Foreign Policy

Colonel Brian Killough is the U.S. Air Force Military Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. In Joseph Heller’s famous novel, Catch-22, the bombardier, John Yosserian, is caught in a situationa…

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un (R) and Wang Jiarui, the head of the International Liaison Department of China's Communist Party, walk together for their meeting in Pyongyang on August 2, 2012.