356 Results for:

April 12, 2007

Energy and Climate Policy

April 12, 2007

Energy and Climate Policy
Twenty-First Century Environmentalism: How Protecting Our Environment Will Create Economic Growth

Watch California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger discuss how environmentalism can stimulate economic growth through market innovation, while still protecting the earth for future generations.


June 7, 2007

Can States Invoke ‘Hot Pursuit’ to Hunt Rebels?

Some analysts want U.S. forces to raid suspected terrorist camps in Syria, but legal experts say such raids might not square with international law.

June 8, 2007

Monetary Policy
When the right hand doesn’t talk to the left hand … (and some musing on this week’s move in the Treasury market)

 Total “official” (central bank) holdings of Agencies at the end of q1 2007 according to the Federal Reserve’s flow of funds: $537.4b (table L107)Agencies held by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York…


November 13, 2007

Fossil Fuels
The Pursuit of Black Gold: Pipeline Politics on the Caspian Sea

MARYBOIES: Welcome to today's Council on Foreign Relations meeting. Would you please remember to turn off BlackBerrys, cell phones, pagers, any wireless devices? And I would like to remind the au…
