66 Results for:

January 28, 2016

How the SDGs Will Transform Global Health Governance

The Sustainable Development Goals will have far-reaching implications for global health governance and challenge organizations such as the WHO, writes CFR’s Yanzhong Huang.

September 11, 2015

Is Universal Health Care an Attainable Goal?

The latest UN development initiative calls for achieving universal health coverage by 2030, a goal widely supported in the global health community but one that is possibly too ambitious, writes CFR’s…

March 31, 2015

Chinese Pharma: A Global Health Game Changer?

China’s advancement in the pharmaceutical sector has major implications for global health but it remains constrained by governance and other factors, says CFR’s Yanzhong Huang.

November 22, 2013

The Threat to Myanmar’s Awakening

Civil unrest and public anger about the slow pace of change could destabilize Myanmar and the region just as the country is opening up politically, writes CFR’s Joshua Kurlantzick.

May 31, 2013


In this chapter preview from Pathways to Freedom: Political and Economic Lessons From Democratic Transitions, Andrew Wilson analyzes Ukraine’s failure to build a market-oriented democracy based on th…