38 Results for:

September 11, 2013

United States
Immigration Reform

Council on Foreign Relations 9/11/13 Academic Conference Call on Immigration Reform with Edward Alden


January 28, 2014

Reactions to the Syrian Peace Conference

Edward P. Djerejian leads a conversation on the international peace negotiations in Geneva and the challenges and possible outcomes that lie ahead for Syria, as part of CFR's Religion and Foreign Pol…


September 24, 2015

International Trade Policy

Council on Foreign Relations 9/24/15 Academic Conference Call on International Trade Policy with Edward Alden


December 3, 2014

United States
U.S. Immigration Policy

Edward Alden, CFR’s Bernard L. Schwartz senior fellow, elucidates President Obama’s executive order for undocumented immigrants in the United States, explaining who will be affected and how, as part …


May 4, 2010

Immigration and Migration
State and Local Officials Conference Call: Analyzing Arizona's Immigration Bill (Audio)

CFR's Edward Alden analyzes the national implications of Arizona's immigration bill.
