2,513 Results for:

October 31, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Christianity in the Middle East

A general view of the Church of Holy Sepulchre during the Christian Orthodox Holy Fire ceremony in Jerusalem's Old City April 23, 2011. (Courtesy REUTERS/Baz Ratner). The decline of Christianity in …

A general view of the Church of Holy Sepulchre during the Christian Orthodox Holy Fire ceremony in Jerusalem’s Old City April 23, 2011. (Courtesy REUTERS/Baz Ratner).

May 28, 2024

Palestinian Territories
Who Governs the Palestinians?

Power in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the so-called Palestinian territories, has been divided among three entities: a governing body called the Palestinian Authority, the militant group Hamas, a…

Palestinians wave their national flag as they rally beneath images of President Mahmoud Abbas and his predecessor, Yasser Arafat

June 23, 2022

APC Runs Into Headwinds as Christian Opposition to Muslim-Muslim Ticket Gains Traction in Nigeria

Presidential candidate faces a dilemma as religious factor threatens to undo campaign. 

Nigeria's All Progressives Congress (APC) party stands together and waves their party flag.

March 2, 2016

Middle East and North Africa
President Sisi and the Status of Christians in Egypt

There are a lot of fans of Egypt’s President Sisi nowadays in Washington, who argue that he is fighting terrorism and deserves American support. Those fans ought to be aware of the ongoing persecuti…

June 21, 2018

Divinely Divided: How Christianity and Islam Coexist in Nigeria

Alexander J. Thurston, Olufemi O. Vaughan, and John Campbell discuss how Christianity and Islam coexist in Nigeria.

Podcast REUTERS / Gaia Squarci

September 10, 2013

Sub-Saharan Africa
Christian Martyrs in Nigeria

Citing church representatives, BosNewsLife is carrying the story that Islamists killed five people outside Jos in central Nigeria after they declared their Christian faith. Two other Christians were …

Crowds fill Abubakar Gumi central market after authorities relaxed a 24 hour curfew in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna, June 24, 2012.