1,876 Results for:

August 8, 2005

United States
Once again, trade deficits do matter — and they really do have to be financed

Brad DeLong and the folks over at Angry Bear have already beat up on this rather ridiculous Donald Luskin argument that the US does not take on debt when it runs a trade deficit.   I hardly need to …

October 26, 2005

United States
What to say when the markets are listening to Stephen Jen?

The Economist's Buttonwood struggles with something I have also struggled with:Stephen "Interest rate and growth differentials, not current account deficits" Jen has basically been right on the dolla…

June 17, 2008

Why is the US taking the currency issue off the table in talks with China?

Treasury Secretary Paulson apparently plans to shift the focus of the Strategic Economic Dialogue away from the renminbi. John Brinsley and Li Yanping of Bloomberg report: "The currency issue …

January 2, 2009

As trade slows, China doesn’t rethink its growth strategy ...

My title is a play on the New York Times’ online headline: "As Trade Slows, China Rethinks its Growth Strategy." The print version of the Times carries a headline that more accurately reflects the…

March 19, 2010

Japan Hearing on Capitol Hill

This week I testified in front of the House Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific and the Environment on the U.S.-Japan relationship.   Judging by the Japanese press coverage, it was c…