21 Results for:

May 16, 2008

U.S.-Latin America Relations

Latin America has never mattered more for the United States. The region is the largest foreign supplier of oil to the United States and a strong partner in the development of alternative fuels. It…

May 21, 2003

Chinese Military Power

The rise of China has long been a growing concern among U.S. foreign policymakers. Of particular concern is the strength of Chinese military power and its relation to U.S. military capability. This i…

April 1, 1999

Europe and Eurasia
U.S. Policy Toward Northeastern Europe

During the Cold War Northeastern Europe was a strategic backwater and received relatively little attention in U.S. policy. However, since the end of the Cold War, the region has become an important f…

September 1, 2001

North Korea
Testing North Korea

Before North Korea decided to restart its nuclear weapons facilities in 2002, this blue-ribbon group of experts voiced its concern that North Korea would do just that. It warns in this report that pr…

June 14, 2010

North Korea
U.S. Policy Toward the Korean Peninsula

As tensions on the Korean peninsula rise after an international investigation found that North Korea was responsible for the sinking of a South Korean warship, a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) In…