114 Results for:

March 10, 2022

Latin America
Mexico's Democracy Is Crumbling Under AMLO

Halfway through his term, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is moving from bending democratic norms and laws to breaking them—a slide that the U.S. cannot afford to ignore.

Mexican president looks up and to the left

December 17, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
Understanding Sharia: The Intersection of Islam and the Law

Sharia guides the personal religious practices of Muslims worldwide, but whether it should influence modern legal systems remains a subject of intense debate.

People attend Friday prayers at the Wazir Khan mosque in Lahore, Pakistan.

September 1, 2021

Spying 101

The glamour and thrill of espionage, brought to life on screen by characters such as James Bond, have long captivated imaginations. But this profession is deeply misunderstood, and it is always chang…

Podcast Eye of a person seen through darkness and shadows

December 11, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
What Morocco’s Agreement With Israel Means for the Wider Middle East

With six Arab states having established relations with Israel, a new Middle East is taking shape. But the diplomatic progress, facilitated by the Trump administration’s compensation to those states, …

March 19, 2020

How Are Major Religions Responding to the Coronavirus?

Many of the world’s faithful have altered long-standing religious practices to avoid spreading the new coronavirus.