18 Results for:

February 12, 2013

Monetary Policy
Why NGDP Targeting is a Fad

Big-name economists have been lining up to show their support for yet another target-based approach to monetary policy making: nominal gross domestic product level (NGDP) targeting. The basic idea…

Why NGDP Targeting is a Fad

February 27, 2009

More bad news from Asia

Even the portions of Asia that relied less on exports aren’t looking quite as good any more. The FT reports that India seems to be decelerating. Malaysia didn’t grow in the fourth quarter. And…

February 1, 2009

Asia’s two recessions

During the good times, both exports and investment boomed. Indeed, the fact that China ran a large current account surplus even as Chinese domestic investment soared -- something only possible bec…

July 12, 2005

United States
Don’t worry, be happy. Trade deficits do not matter so long as US household wealth is rising

Michael Mandel thinks I am making a big mistake, albeit a very, very common one - worrying about rising US external debt rather than celebrating rising US household wealth. Brad is making the very…