151 Results for:

January 13, 2016

Podcast: China and the West: Hope and Fear in the Age of Asia

Three years into Xi Jinping’s tenure as president of China, the world is still grasping for an understanding of who he is and where he is leading the country. Dutch journalist Fokke Obbema takes us i…

Podcast Chinese band great hall

April 28, 2017

United States
Trump’s First 100 Days: A (Third) Conversation with Elizabeth Saunders

Following our conversations in the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign a year ago and post-election last December, Elizabeth Saunders joined me again, this time to discuss President Donald Trump’s…

Podcast trump

November 5, 2009

Momentous Day Twenty Years Ago in Berlin

CFR's Bernard Gwertzman and Serge Schmemann of the International Herald Tribune discuss their role in reporting the fall of the Berlin Wall twenty years ago and the enduring significance of that day…


April 7, 2016

Podcast: China’s Future

China’s political, economic, and social prospects have all been the source of endless speculation for academics, journalists, and policymakers alike. This week I talk with David Shambaugh, professor …

Podcast China's Future

August 15, 2019

U.S. Foreign Policy
TWNW Presents: Back-to-School Reading Special

In this special episode of The World Next Week, James M. Lindsay and Robert McMahon are joined by CFR senior fellow Carla Anne Robbins to discuss their most recently beloved books, the books they’re …

Podcast Afghan boys reading inside a mobile library bus in Kabul, Afghanistan.