Show Notes
Following our conversations in the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign a year ago and post-election last December, Elizabeth Saunders joined me again, this time to discuss President Donald Trump’s first one hundred days. Professor Saunders is an assistant professor of political science and international affairs at the George Washington University and an editor for the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage, where she recently published, “100 Days in, Trump’s Foreign Policy Appears to Be All Show. Is There Enough Substance?” She also authored an article in the current issue of International Organization, “No Substitute for Experience: Presidents, Advisers, and Information in Group Decision-Making.”
We discuss the invisible but necessary aspects of foreign policy, which Trump may or may not be paying attention to. Professor Saunders also offers her recommendations for the president and for her bosses—which are remarkably similar. Listen to our conversation and be sure to follow her, @ProfSaunders.