18 Results for:

December 5, 2012

Security Alliances
Refocusing U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation

U.S.-Mexico security cooperation, led by the Merida Initiative, is vital and must continue. But with Enrique Pena Nieto's inauguration, Mexico's political landscape is now changing, and the United St…

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October 2, 2012

Rule of Law
A Global Trust for Rule of Law

The rule of law is critical for people to have a meaningful opportunity to thrive. Still, for billions of people around the world today, the rule of law exists on paper but not in practice. Even thou…

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October 24, 2011

American Options in Syria

With each month, the level of violence in Syria rises. Bashar al-Assad's regime has killed just short of three thousand citizens, and with defections from the army growing, it appears the population …

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April 15, 2011

Rethinking Peacemaking in Darfur

Across eight years, two administrations, and the direct interventions of a deputy secretary of state and three special envoys, U.S. attempts to promote a lasting peace for Darfur have failed. The mos…

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