91 Results for:

October 1, 2018

A Blue Wave Won’t Rescue China

A “blue wave” in November isn’t likely to provide an off-ramp for what is shaping up as a years-long struggle between the United States and China over trade policy.


October 29, 2018

Donald Trump
Commentary: How Trump Should, but Probably Won't, Confront Saudi Arabia

The latest Saudi explanation of what happened to journalist Jamal Khashoggi — that his murder was premeditated by his assailants — is no more acceptable an explanation than the earlier versions, that…

Khashoggi murder

November 15, 2018

United States
Presidents and War Powers

PDF Version. A review of Michael Beschloss, “Presidents of War” (Crown Books, 2018).  *** The U.S. Constitution vests the president with “executive power” and provides that “The President sh…

Lectern with presidential seal

November 20, 2018

Saudi Arabia
The Inconvenient Truth About Saudi Arabia

The United States should pressure MBS to act with greater restraint in Yemen and elsewhere.

Trump MBS

November 26, 2018

United States
CFR 2018: The Year in Events

In 2018, CFR once again hosted high-level discussions of global affairs, from U.S. election security to the Iran-Saudi Arabia rivalry to the artificial intelligence race.
