277 Results for:

December 18, 2014

Dupont's Ellen Kullman on Science and Innovation

Ellen Kullman, chair of the board and chief executive officer of DuPont, joins Alan S. Murray, editor at Fortune magazine, to discuss global competitiveness. Kullman describes Dupont’s deep portfolio…


December 3, 2013

United States
Majority of Americans See the United States as Less Powerful

With a majority of the American public now saying that they view U.S. global power and influence as being in decline, CFR President Richard N. Haass and Pew Research Center President Alan Murray sit …


December 3, 2013

United States
Majority of Americans See the United States as Less Powerful

With a majority of the American public now saying that they view U.S. global power and influence as being in decline, Pew Research Center president Alan Murray and CFR President Richard N. Haass sit …


March 4, 2021

The President's Inbox Episodes by Topic

A comprehensive list of each episode of The President's Inbox organized by topic. 

Resolute desk

July 7, 2022

Middle East and North Africa
Biden’s Middle East Trip, Meeting With AMLO, and More

U.S. President Joe Biden visits Israel, the West Bank, and Saudi Arabia and prepares for a meeting with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom reacts to the resi…

Podcast U.S. Vice President Joe Biden is greeted by Saudi Foreign Minister Price Saud Al-Faisal upon his arrival at Riyadh airbase from his 2011 visit as Vice President