298 Results for:

March 23, 2005

Capital Flows
Wolfowitz and the World Bank

Paul Wolfowitz looks to be heading toward the Presidency of the World Bank. He probably was not the first choice of anyone outside the US, not even the UK. But no one seems to see much of an upside…

November 1, 2005

Balance of payments math for the Economist (and some thoughts on Chinese banks)

The Economist - byline Bejing, Hong Kong, Shanghai.The quote: "No country can sustainably invest more than it saves ..."As most of you know, I generally agree with that sentiment, though it is certai…

January 6, 2006

United States
The USA, China and Saudi Arabia - the big three of global adjustment?

The standard discussion of the unbalanced world divies the world up into three: the US, Europe and Japan/ Asia.   And the standard discussion of global imbalances says all three need to do their part…

January 6, 2008

Looking back at the top macroeconomic and financial stories of 2007, and looking forward to 2008

Here is my list of the top five stories of 2007 - and some things that I’ll be watching in 2008. What did I miss?1. The "subprime" crisis. The credibility of Wall Street’s financial engineering …

March 11, 2010

North Korea
Rajin-Sonbong: North Korea’s (New?) Strategy to Attract Foreign Investment

I’ve been watching North Korea ramp up efforts to attract foreign investment since Jack Pritchard and I heard last November in Pyongyang from the chairman of Pyongyang’s Foreign Investment Advisory B…