39 Results for:

August 13, 2009

Immigration and Migration
U.S. Immigration Policy

"The continued failure to devise and implement a sound and sustainable immigration policy threatens to weaken America's economy, to jeopardize its diplomacy, and to imperil its national security," co…

September 1, 2001

North Korea
Testing North Korea

Before North Korea decided to restart its nuclear weapons facilities in 2002, this blue-ribbon group of experts voiced its concern that North Korea would do just that. It warns in this report that pr…

April 12, 2001

Energy and Climate Policy
Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century

Cosponsored by James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice University There could be more Californias in America’s future unless the U.S. government adopts a long-term, comprehensive en…

October 1, 2014

North America

A new CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force report, North America: Time for a New Focus, asserts that elevating and prioritizing the U.S.-Canada-Mexico relationship offers the best opportunity for str…