180 Results for:

July 9, 2024

A Conversation With Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen of Denmark

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen of Denmark discusses transatlantic cooperation, Russia's war in Ukraine, and her priorities for the NATO Summit in Washington.  

Play Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen speaks on stage during a news conference.

May 10, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence in Journalism

Amy Webb, Joan Donovan, and Mehtab Khan discuss implications for artificial intelligence in journalism, the risk of its spreading of disinformation and malign influence, and advice for using artifici…

Play Carla Amy Mehtab Joan on Stage at CFR

May 7, 2024

Election 2024
Guarding the Ballot: Addressing Foreign Disinformation and Election Interference

Panelists discuss the escalating threat of foreign disinformation and other forms of election interference and what the United States and its allies can do to combat this risk.  This meeting part …

Play An American voter casts a ballot at an election booth.

April 17, 2024

A Conversation With Christine Lagarde

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde discusses the state of the European economy, U.S.-EU economic cooperation, and the implications of international geopolitical conflicts on the global…

Play Christine Lagarde speaking with the IMF logo in the background.

February 28, 2024

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
American Military Leadership in the Middle East

Former CENTCOM Commanders David Petraeus and Anthony Zinni discuss the military aspect of the Israel-Hamas war and lessons learned from U.S. involvement and operations in the Middle East.

Play Smoke rises over northern Gaza following Israeli air strikes in Dec 2023.

February 20, 2024

The American Century: A Conversation With Joseph Nye

Joseph Nye discusses U.S. primacy on the global stage since World War II, crucial challenges the country has faced, the changing nature of American hard and soft power today, and whether China's rise…

Play Joseph Nye, former Dean of Harvard Kennedy School engages in a discourse.

January 24, 2024

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Higher Education Webinar: Navigating Academic Discourse on Israel and Palestine

Tarek El-Ariss, James Wright professor and chair of Middle Eastern studies at Dartmouth College, and Susannah Heschel, Eli M. Black distinguished professor of Jewish studies at Dartmouth College, lea…

Play Student protest.

November 30, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Covering the Israel-Hamas War: A View From Journalists

Journalists who have lived and reported extensively from the Middle East share their insights and perspectives on covering the Israel-Hamas war.

Play Press and children walk inside Al-Aqsa hospital

October 24, 2023

Countering the Ransomware Threat With Anne Neuberger

Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberger discusses international cyber cooperation initiatives to improve resilience to ransomware, efforts to disrupt ransomware and pursue those responsible f…

Play A cybersecurity agent checks data on a computer.

October 16, 2023

Congressional Oversight of U.S. Intelligence: Balancing Capabilities and Accountability

Bipartisan leadership of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Chairman Mike Turner (R) and Ranking Member Jim Himes (D), discuss the work of the committee in maintaining U.S. strateg…

Play A hearing at the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence