197 Results for:

February 28, 2007

Why is China’s government trying so hard to hold down China’s current living standard? And investing so much of China’s savings in depreciating assets?

Dr. DeLong is engaged is a rather spirited debate over at TPMCafe – one that mirrors the debate inside the Democratic party.  It is a debate over trade, but it also is a debate over US grand strategy…

November 28, 2007

Financial Markets
What should replace the Gulf’s peg to the dollar? More on my Peterson institute policy brief

Oil and the dollar have not consistently moved in the same direction over the past ten years.     In 1997/1998, oil tanked and the dollar soared.In 2000, oil and the dollar both rose – in large par…

March 5, 2008

What can not go on forever seems to be going on forever: China’s amazing January reserve growth

Let’s just say that Wang Qishan has his work cut out for him.Reuters reports that China’s reserves increased by $61.6b in January alone. That is a stunning sum. $60b is roughly the size of the US m…

March 17, 2008

Trading up — Jeff Frankel and Rachel Ziemba will be guest blogging this week

I will be away most of this week and will not be posting regularly. In the interim though, the quality of this blog is likely to go up.Jeff Frankel of Harvard (who recently started his own blog) h…

March 17, 2008

World Growth Can No Longer Explain Soaring Commodity Prices.

Jeffrey FrankelNote: This post is from Jeffrey Frankel not Brad Setser. It is hard to remember now, but mineral and agricultural commodities were considered passé less than ten years ago. Anyone who …
