674 Results for:

September 9, 2024

United States
CFR Welcomes Ed Husain Back as Senior Fellow

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is pleased to welcome Ed Husain back as a senior fellow. He was previously a senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies from 2010 to 2013 and an adjunct senior fe…

August 27, 2024

Japan in Focus

I am fortunate to participate in projects on Japan or Asia hosted by other experts. Each month, I will share these with you in Japan in Focus. This month, we have two highlights to share.

The Tokyo Tower is seen illuminated minutes before Earth Hour in Tokyo, Japan

November 28, 2017

United Nations
A Conversation With Jeffrey Feltman

Jeffrey Feltman discusses his five years as undersecretary-general for political affairs at the United Nations (UN), the role of the UN in mediating and preventing conflict, and the relationship betw…

Play Jeffrey D. Feltman

May 9, 2013

Economic Crises
A Conversation with Jeffrey M. Lacker

Jeffrey M. Lacker discusses "too big to fail" protection for financial institutions and credible alternatives to this policy.


January 17, 2013

Jeffrey W. Hornung: Japan, a Consequential Power

This blog post is part of a series entitled Is Japan in Decline?, in which leading experts analyze Japan’s economy, politics, and society and give their assessment of Japan’s future. The debate over…

Buildings are silhouetted against the setting sun in front of Mount Fuji in Tokyo

March 14, 2006

Global Poverty: A Conversation with Jeffrey D. Sachs

As director of the Earth Institute and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Jeffrey Sachs is renowned for his work toward solving some of the world’s most difficult economi…
